Stripy, jouky, fejky :)

tenhle strip naprosto vyjadřuje způsob mého uvažování :))
Neco k Valenynu, nerdi :)

Neco pro zahradniky :)

bad signal

My god, people *are* actually asking me things about
gardening now...!

I am not an expert, nor do I play one on TV, but in
answer to a shocking number of emails:

If you're planting in a garden, you need to be digging
that garden over now. Well, not *now*, it's probably
dark. But over the next week or two you need to
be turning the soil over so it's crumbly and then
mulching it. "Mulching" is not in fact a new sexual
practise invented by Something Awful. It means
covering the soil you just dug over with compost.

You see, the Earth's natural tendency is to fuck with
you. This is the secret of gardening. The planet
does not want to give you anything. Mulching the
soil is like waterboarding Gaia. It's the Human
saying to the Planet, "give me what I want or I
will continue to drown you in handfuls of shit." Be

The lessons will continue until you can all make your
own poisons.

-- W
jj Salad Fingers jsou skvely :)
Jste-li ujeti a aspon neco vam rikaji filmy Davida Lynche nebo treba Sametova rukavice od Clowese, kouknete na Salad fingers... genialni :)
Ten posledný je na motívy všetkych doskových AD&D hier a je to tiež šupa!
meno originál: Order of the Stick
meno preložené do češtiny: Hůlkový řád
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Ďalší skvelý komiks, tentokrát s menej patetickým a skôr láskavým a dumb humorom na motívy MMORPG PC hry World of Warcraft
meno: Shakes & Fidget
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Skvelý komiks na motívy MMORPG PC hry World of Warcraft
meno: Looking for Group
Jenom na vysvetlenou: Mafalda je male devcatko, tusim z Argentiny a je politicky satiricka. Predesly strip je z obdobi valky ve Vietnamu.